The Loan Management Suite – CorrCMS is a robust and scalable business software solution that enables the loan origination process for financial institutions and other lenders, from loan application, documentation, underwriting, credit decisioning, risk analysis, to loan funding. The primary goal of this solution is to lessen the risk involved in unsecured financial dealings.
- It allows granting, verifying, and giving advice on collateral transactions in order to reduce credit risk in unsecured financial transactions.
- It supports the assignment of collateral to multiple subsidiaries of a corporate group.
- It enables FI’s to compare outstanding credit exposures and related collateral values in order to determine the availability of credit under the overall Customer position.
- It supports collateral types such as financial collateral, documentary collateral, and physical collateral.
- The collateral values are adjusted through haircuts that can be defined with maximum flexibility. The solution provides haircut structures using price and liquidation haircuts.
It comprises of the following solution modules: